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Wed 4/20: Gina Palmerin: Icons and Legends

When: Wednesday, April 20, 2022, noon to 7 p.m.

Where: Sparks Gallery, 530 Sixth Avenue, San Diego

Cost: Free

Age limit: All ages

Description: <p>In Gina Palmerin&rsquo;s solo show, &ldquo;Icons and Legends.&rdquo; the artist brings together her two portfolios: &ldquo;Picture Day, The Icons&rdquo;, and &ldquo;Legends&rdquo;. In these paintings, each subject poses for a contemporary style portrait, bedecked with both current and historic adornments, which serve as a tribute to their lives and give an account of their fame.&nbsp;Opening Reception March 20, 2022 from 1-4pm.</p>


Source: SD Reader

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