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Wed 9/4: Overcoming Underearning for Writers & Artists

When: Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2019, 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Where: The Ink Spot, 2730 Historic Decatur Road, Barracks 16 #202, San Diego

Cost: $120 – $150

Age limit: All ages

Description: <p>As writers, artists, and creatives, we can get sucked into a spiral of underearning. If you&rsquo;ve put your services on sites like UpWork, Freelancer, and Thumbtack you&rsquo;ve already experienced what it&rsquo;s like to take your skillset and watch it become nothing more than pennies per word. Worse, you&rsquo;re in competition with others who are doing the same. There&rsquo;s nothing wrong with using these kinds of websites to build your portfolio, but once you have, why are you still choosing to earn so little? If you&rsquo;d like to get to the bottom of why you&rsquo;re underearning, this is the class for you. Based on the book &ldquo;Overcoming Underearning&rdquo; by Barbara Stanny, you&rsquo;ll dig through the layers of what has been keeping you from earning what you&rsquo;re worth. This is an intense 5-week class, limited to 15 people, and will require you to investigate your history, emotions, and beliefs built up around money. We&rsquo;ll meet once a week for 1.5 hours online to discuss the assigned chapters&nbsp; and the revelations experienced through the homework. &nbsp; Class pre-requisites: * Have a copy of &ldquo;Overcoming Underearning&rdquo; by Barbara Stanny * Have Zoom (free online software) loaded onto your laptop, desktop, or smartphone &nbsp; Results from past students: * Increasing writing rates and getting clients to pay at those rates * Marketing a musical they&rsquo;ve been holding onto * Developing a business idea and enacting steps to bring it to life * Taking a hard look at debt and enacting steps to get out of it * Reviewing expenditures and becoming a better steward of their money</p>

Source: SD Reader

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